Our voice is a sacred gift and holds great potential in bringing deep healing to our body, mind, emotions and a connection to spirit.
Our voice signature is unique and it supports the expression of our creativity, of our Being. Energetically the chakra that is usually blocked , over used or underused in both men and women is the throat chakra.
This is the chakra that aligns with speaking your truth, expressing oneself unabashedly, giving voice to ones creativity.
We have mastered expressing happiness but we are not expressive of our pain. One of the portals for expression is here in our throat chakra, our very own voice. During trauma the voice goes into freeze mode too. Here you will learn few techniques to open up your voice. The voice of your body.
It is a gift and if we learn to use it well we will become masters of our own voice. This chakra is mainly blocked due to the misuse of our voices. Either we speak to much or too little. We use violent aggressive tones, cuss words etc. or remain silent when its really required of us to speak.
It is essential for each of us to express ourselves as divine beings of Light.
The authenticity of your being is expressed trough your voice. The voice then becomes a medium like a directive principle in your life to find focus calm, a zariya to reach the divine etc.
I have been conducting Sound /Voice Workshops for Wellbeing since 2016 I am grateful to the following teachers from who I learnt this craft.
- Trained by Satya Brat ji , in Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing Levels I II III
- Trained by internationally acclaimed teacher, author, chant master and healing
sounds pioneer Jonathan Goldman and his wife Andi Goldman at Colorado in 2016. - Trained by Trish Watts in Voice Movement Therapy. Trish is a registered voice movement therapy practitioner, performing artist and community choir director from Australia.
- Trained by Vaishnavi brassey in a retreat in Ireland, she is a kundalini yoga , reiki vortex healing facilitator and trained on voice by Chloe Goodchild the author of the Naked Voice.
- Trained by Candy Verny at The Song House in Donegal, Ireland on a singing holiday. Candy leads community choirs and voice workshops.
- Conducted Sing to Heal workshops in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Dubai, Turkey with co facilitator Joseph Moras , vocal coach and choral director at Melodia voice studio Dubai. Workshops conducted for lay people, corporates, educational institutions etc

So do you wish to Retrieve your authentic voice?
- Do you have throat issues, thyroid problems etc?
- Do you find it difficult to speak your truth?
- Are you always talking too much and can’t control the words pouring out of your mouth?
- Do you feel voiceless, anxiety or a feeling of panic often when numb with emotions?
- Are you very sensitive and end up crying from time to time?
- Do you feel you need a deeper connect to spirit?
- Do you feel you want to access your intuition?
- Do you wish to answer the Call to live a life of service in love?

If you answer yes to any one question then join me for the SACRED AUTHENTIC VOICE workshop:

What will you Learn?
- Anatomy and physiology of Voice, role of vagus nerve in wellbeing
- Learn the powerful tool of vocal toning to bring coherence I your nervous system and balance your chakras
- Release emotional blocks by expressing somatic pain voice using voice therapy exercises combined with body movement.
- Learn the power of the spoken word and use your voice therapeutically
- Non violent communication
- Connect to the Divine Spirit by using your voice to sing simple chants and open up channels of your own creativity to express the Divine through you.
Benefits of this workshop:
- Increased oxygenation of cells from the breath work and toning
- Lowering of Blood pressure and heart rate and helps one reach a meditative state quicker
- Increased lymphatic circulation
- Increased levels of melatonin (hormone associated with the regulation of the reproductive cycle)
- Releases endorphins that are self-created opiates that work as natural pain killers
- Release of oxytocin the hormone that gives a feel good feeling
- Releases old energies from the energy body and stimulates suppressed emotions in a safe manner
The vocal sounds slow down our brainwaves to meditative like states and have the potential to:
- Create sustained harmony of the body and mind
- Release emotional stress and physical tension
- Receive spontaneous insight and heightened intuition
- Soothe and balance the nervous system
- Improved memory, clarity, vitality and the ability to take action.
- A deep sense of tranquility and sound sleep.
- Proven to provide relief for chronic pain, digestive issues, insomnia, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, heart’s disease, trauma, depression, anxiety and cancer treatment therapies. Note: this is a complementary therapy. Kindly continue your Doctors advise

If you answer yes to any one question then join me for the SACRED AUTHENTIC VOICE workshop.
Workshop Format:
- Corporate: 1 hr Sound Bath Session with Tibetan Bowls, Hybrid , Fee: INR 50000, USD 700
- Educational Institutions: Half Day Workshop , Fee INR 50000, USD 700
- Full Day Workshop , Fee INR 1,00,000 , USD 1400
- NGOS: 1-2 hr sessions, Half Day, Full Day, 2 days, : Fee INR 20000 per hour