As a medical doctor and a woman, I realized that women generally are disconnected from their reproductive system and the cycles associated with it. The uterus, vagina (taboo word) even today is not talked about. The whole discussion is shrouded in a culture of silence and shame.
My own healing journey with sexual abuse wounds from childhood led me to learn the sacred feminine teachings from various teachers and having worked with more than thousands of women intimately with their cycles, body processes, emotions through sacred healing circles, workshops, retreats, the SACRED LOTUS WOMB ACADEMY was birthed in 2014. Through this Academy various workshops and womb healing sessions are conducted for young girls, women in the reproductive age group, menopausal women to bring them closer to their intimate body parts. I have conducted sacred full moon circles for last 5 years and have more than 100 womb healing private sessions clients.
The energetic journey of womb healing includes minimising of negative relationship stress and toxicity, elimination of negative sexual experiences and abuse energies, the healing of broken heartiness, elimination of chronic illness and dis-ease, ancestral wounding and can help individuals create the highest divine energy needed for the conception of a child and healing fertility work.

To register or avail of these workshops please visit the website:
Womb circles are healing spaces that women connect mindfully to heal, mind, body and spirit to examine how to detoxify their bodies, chakras, auras and energies. The women gather in a safe sacred space of caring and sharing in an atmosphere of sisterhood to enjoy food, stories and in some cases doing meditation and yoga with a view to healing and nurturing the Divine Feminine within each of them. At each gathering one or more women say they break down walls, barriers, out dated self beliefs and ideas about self care that no longer serve a positive purpose in the lives and they are glad they came and will be back.
- A woman suffering from uterine ovarian and other uterine medical conditions like fibroid, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea- painful periods, hormonal imbalance etc can avail of this energetic healing through sound, chants, channelling etc along with their ongoing medical treatment
- Women who want to mother a child, infertility problems
- Women with scars of sexual abuse, abortions, miscarriages
- Women who want to energetically heal , removal of energies of past lovers, ex partners in case of divorce, death etc
- Woman who wishes to access her creative powers via the womb temple
- Couples who wish to deepen the bond through sacred sexual union
- Private Womb Healing session for the client (hybrid)
- Womb Blessing session for a family of women
- Bestseller 21 day Womb Cleanse course
- Menstrual Moon Magic
- Sacred Womban Full Moon Circles
- Mother & Me (Healing the Mother wound)
- Father and me (healing the Father wound)
- Womb Consciousness (7 sessions workshop)
- Mary Magdalene Immersion
- Sacred orgasmic Womban Intensive
- Sacred Wild Lotus Womban Workshop ( High Priestess Archetype)
- Sacred Divine Feminine arts and womb initiation with teacher Sukhvinder Sircar
- Womb Shakti Healing retreat in Egypt with Padma Eon
- Online Womb Healing course Azra Seren Bertrand
- Online Mary Magdalene Initiations with Anaiya Sophia
- Spoken at various platforms on Womb Healing with Juliet gaia, Dawn Delvecchio
- Conducted more than 500 womens empowerment workshops for various groups of women