Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle Menstrual Cycle:

Our menstrual cycle is a gift .The Menstrual cycle is connected deeply to the cycles of nature. Women are intimately connected to the moon through the menstrual cycle. Just like the moon waxes and wanes, so do our hormones, our moods, our energy levels. There is evidence to show that most ovulation and conceptions occur around Full Moon time. Most women bleed during the new moon. Sometimes the cycle is reversed. As women who are connected to our bodies and to Mother Nature its time for us to understand the wisdom of the Menstrual cycle.
MENSTRUAL PHASE / NEW MOON (day 1-5) Winter:

This phase begins on the first day of Bleeding. The uterus sheds the inner lining of soft tissue and blood vessels which exits our bodies in the form of menstrual fluid through the vagina.
This is the time to go inward. A scared time to reflect, meditate and let go. With the first few days of menstruation many women do physical clearing and cleaning of spaces, time for letting go of the mind and emotions. Its time to plant seeds of intention for the next cycle. A new project maybe or based on intuition (which is highest in this time) to rework or remodel an ongoing project. Physical energy is low so it’s time to rest, relax and focus on more gentle physical exercise, like walking or slow, gentle yoga. Take time for journaling, meditation, being in nature.
Hormonally, progesterone and estrogen are at their lowest levels of the month. Progesterone drops right before menstruation occurs and then estrogen starts to rise a few days after you start bleeding.
Moon Cycle: The gift of the new moon is intuition, shedding what you no longer need, rest and visioning for your future.
Good for… |
Avoid if you can… |
Self care & Nourishment |
Big Social Commitments |
Self Reflection |
Taking on new projects |
Simple Repetitive tasks |
Making impulsive decisions |
Meditation |
Booking lots of appointments |
*Source: Bess.Bennett Menstrual cycle Maven and Birth Story healing

During this stage the follicles in the ovaries mature and ends with ovulation. The main hormone controlling this stage is estradiol. This is the pre- ovulation phase where the ovaries begin to prepare follicles for ovulation. The potential for new life, creation is at its peak now. Estrogen rises gradually, the uterine lining rebuilds. Physically, this is a time of increasing energy overall. You can do intense exercise, do some new activity. Mentally, you are sharp! It’s a good time to take exams or other brain performance based activities. Meetings done at this time are fruitful and go in your favour. Its a good time to create and execute new projects, to take action towards your goals, dreams and desires.
Moon Cycle: The gift of the waxing moon is hope for the future and for new life. It’s a time to move towards your full inner brightness!
Good for… |
Avoid if you can… |
Dreaming Big |
Reigning in your dreams |
Planning- EVERYTHING |
Going with the flow |
Activities requiring Logic |
Staying in |
Beginning to get Social |

The pituitary gland secretes a hormone that causes our ovaries to release a matured egg which flows into the fallopian tube on the 14th day of our cycle.
The dominant follicle has grown to release the egg. The Estrogen levels are high and a feeling of fullness in you enables to bring forth a desire to socialize and be out there in the world. You can share your creative projects through gatherings and events. It’s time to be connected to the Shakti within, that creative life force pulsing through you.
Sexual desire also peaks at mid-cycle, and our bodies secrete into the air pheromones that increase our sexual attractiveness to others. Physically, you may feel an increase in stamina or ability to be more physically active in general. You may also notice a slight decrease in appetite and an increased sense of smell or taste.
Moon Cycle: The gift of the full moon is heightened awareness of your body on all levels, creative expression, collaboration and co-creation.
Good for… |
Avoid if you can… |
Taking action |
Staying silent |
Important conversations |
Staying away from people |
Being social |
Reflection |
Getting dressed up |
Looking inwards |
LUTEAL PHASE / WANING MOON (day 15-28) Monsoon/ Autumn:

This stage happens after ovulation and before the menstrual phase. The egg that is released during the ovulation phase stays in the fallopian tube for 24 hours. During this time the lining of your uterus normally gets thicker to prepare for a possible pregnancy or if sperm does not impregnate the egg within that time, the egg disintegrates and ends with the menstrual phase. If you do not become biologically pregnant at ovulation, you move into the luteal phase. During this phase, you quite naturally retreat from outward activity to a more reflective mode.
In this pre-menstrual phase the ruptured follicle secretes progesterone and maintains the uterine lining for possible implantation. The cervical fluid is drier or stickier preventing more sperm entering the uterus.
This is an evaluative and reflective time, looking back upon what is created and on the negative or difficult aspects of our lives that need to be changed or adjusted. It’s a good time to tie up loose ends around current projects in all aspects of life. Getting organized can be a first step in seeing what needs to fall away. What can be let go of during this time? What’s not working for you? How can you let that fall away? Look for moments of release. If you sense any frustration or sadness arising during this time, how can you sit with it and use it to inform next steps? What is the underlying need that is not being met? It’s prime time to dive a little deeper within. You are most in tune with your inner knowing and with what isn’t working in your life.
Physically, the energy is on the decline. Allow for more time for rest and reflection as you prepare for the next cycle. Shift your embodiment practice to reflect what you need at this time, which can vary for each woman. Watch for the moments when you may be pushing too hard. The tendency in our culture is to live in a perpetual state of full moon energy.
Studies have shown that women’s dreams are more frequent and often more vivid during the premenstrual and menstrual phases of their cycles. Pre-menstrually, the “veil” between the worlds of the seen and unseen, the conscious and the unconscious, is much thinner. You have access to parts of your unconscious self and that the right hemisphere of the brain—the part associated with intuitive knowing—becomes more active Pre-menstrually, while the left hemisphere becomes less active. The premenstrual phase is therefore a time when you have greater access to your magic—your ability to recognize and transform the more difficult and painful areas of our lives.
Pre-menstrually, you are quite naturally more in tune with what is most meaningful in your life. We’re more apt to cry—but our tears are always related to something that holds meaning for us. Years of personal and clinical experience have taught me that the painful or uncomfortable issues that arise Pre-menstrually are always real and must be addressed.
Moon Cycle: The gift of the waning moon is completion, down regulation and organization.
Good for… |
Avoid if you can… |
Starting to slow down |
Making lots of appointments |
Finishing your to do list |
Being inhibited |
Seeing through bullshit |
Decluttering |
Moon Cycle Sync: When women live together in natural settings, their ovulations tend to occur at the time of the full moon, with menses and self-reflection at the dark of the moon or new moon. Specifically, the moon and tides interact with the electromagnetic fields of our bodies, subsequently affecting our internal physiological processes. The moon itself has a period when it is covered with darkness, and then slowly, beginning at the time of the new moon, it becomes visible to us again, gradually waxing to fullness.
Women, too, go through a period of darkness each month, when the life-force may seem to disappear for a while (premenstrual and menstrual phases).We need not be afraid or think we are sick if our energies and moods naturally ebb for a few days each month. May the wisdom of our menstrual cycle free us.